Thursday, March 11, 2010

EPI is hiring Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology Program Instructors and Interns!

Ecology Project International is currently seeking instructors and interns to teach 7 to 9 day field ecology courses to high school students in Montana, USA. Our programs introduce students to real-world scientific study, raise cultural and ecological awareness, and promote international conservation efforts. Each summer, EPI offers residential ecology courses to U.S. and international student groups from June through August in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Students camp in the Gallatin National Forest while working with the US Forest Service to collect data for various wildlife research projects. During the course, students also spend a few days in the Centennial Valley collecting data for the US Fish and Wildlife Service and working on restoration service projects with The Nature Conservancy. Additionally, they explore Yellowstone National Park and go whitewater rafting. See complete job descriptions here. To apply please send a cover letter, resume, and an EPI instructor or intern application to by March 29th, 2010.