Special News for EPI teachers!
Partners in Science Grant Program
This program provides $15,000 for high school science teachers to conduct cutting-edge research , guided by a research mentor, for two summers. Administered by the M.J. Murdock Charitable trust, the grant program enables teachers and academic scientists to collaborate in the advancement of science, with the goal that both will grow professionally in the process. Teachers from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington are eligible. Apply by December 1 at www.murdock-trust.org/how-to-apply/formal-program-grants-science.asp
Partners in Science Grant Program
This program provides $15,000 for high school science teachers to conduct cutting-edge research , guided by a research mentor, for two summers. Administered by the M.J. Murdock Charitable trust, the grant program enables teachers and academic scientists to collaborate in the advancement of science, with the goal that both will grow professionally in the process. Teachers from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington are eligible. Apply by December 1 at www.murdock-trust.org/how-to-apply/formal-program-grants-science.asp